Thursday, July 25, 2013

Behind Bars

Dog behind bars, piazza San Martino, Lucca
This portrait of a very composed dog is our out-of-jurisdiction photo for this week. It was shot in Lucca, in Piazza San Martino, in March 2012.


  1. As Rick Blane would say in the movie "Casablanca", "Here's looking at you, kid."

  2. Terrific dog portrait, VP.

    BTW, Lucca was a great surprise to me. Two years ago I had two days to get from Florence to Cinque Terre by train, so I pulled out a map and picked Lucca and Viareggio to stop at. Lucca was FABULOUS! I loved the parks atop the city walls and we found terrific restaurants.

  3. A very composed dog but a striking composition.
    I bet he'd like a nice romp in the park.

  4. Awww! He's longing for some attention :)

  5. Avevo riconosciuto il posto ;) ciao, Arianna

  6. Behind bars... he surely needs some attention and some nice words...

  7. Even if it may look a sad photo, in fact the dog is protecting his area. Bravo!
