Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bet 1128

Bet 1128 Class 40, port of Livorno
The “Bet 1128” is a Class 40 sailboat built by Bert Mauri for the young but already seasoned Sardinian skipper Gaetano Mura. The boat is named after her sponsored, a betting site.
Bet 1128 Class 40, port of Livorno
Mura's ambitious “Gironelmondo” project consists in taking part in several boat races around the world.
Our objective is more modest: we are in Rome for a few days...

See also: TAG Heuer VelaFestival - Wianno Senior - Dagadà Spirito di Maremma - Ojalà II
External links: Class 40 (Wikipedia) - Gaetano Mura (Official website, in Italian)
Search labels: sailboat


  1. Being in Rome sounds like much more fun than racing around in this boat.
    Enjoy your time!

  2. I love the name choice, and it's a beautiful boat!Great images, amazing sunny day there!

  3. Love that first shot. Up close and personal.

  4. I agree with Dina VP, enjoy your visit to Rome.

  5. What a fine looking race boat. Fun to be part of the crew that races this boat. Thanks for posting these pictures. You know how I love a good sailboat.

  6. I like your angle in the first photo.
