Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dried Up

Water tanker supplying potable water, piazza della Repubblica, Livorno
Yesterday was the second day of a Livorno without water. The underground main pipe supplying water from Filettole has been heavily damaged along the Canale dei Navicelli. Fixing the broken pipe is made harder by the nearby canal which keeps flooding the dig.
Water tanker supplying drinkable water, piazza della Repubblica, Livorno
Meanwhile, a tanker in Piazza della Repubblica is supplying drinking water.

See also: Without Water - Third Day without Water - Habemus aquam! - Canale dei Navicelli
External links: The dig - Queueing for water 2 - 3 - 4 (Il Tirreno)


  1. Reminds me of where I was living when Hurricane Isabel struck Virginia and knocked out power for a couple of weeks. Hope it doesn't take that long to get things repaired. Thanks for the photos, VP!

  2. I know this very unpleasant situation, and I keep my fingers crossed for a quick repair.

  3. This can become a very serious problem. I hope it gets repaired soon.

  4. They have to make haste. In the meantime, you can't even get yourself a gelato. It's closed.

  5. Oh, my, still no running water in Livorno. I hope the pipes are fixed soon!

  6. i hope everyone is pulling together. yikes.

  7. Never any fun being without fresh water.

  8. Good to see that they are supplying water with the tanker.
