Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Marco Alessandro del Borro

Alessandro del Borro funerary monument by Giovan Battista Foggini, Cathedral of Livorno
The Arezzo-born Marco Alessandro del Borro was a quite popular governor of Livorno from 1678 to 1701. He promoted the expansion of the Venezia Nuova quarter, whose main street is named after him: “Via Borra”. His funerary monument inside the Cathedral was realized by the sculptor Giovan Battista Foggini, but it was badly damaged by the WWII air raids.

See also : Duomo di Livorno - Around the Duomo - Via Cairoli - After the Snow - Fontana del Duomo - Inside the Cathedral - Most Blessed Sacrament Chapel


  1. What a beauty VP. Beautiful, thank you.

  2. A fine piece of art indeed.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

  3. It is beautiful. I can't see the damage in this part of the monument.

  4. The man sitting on the slab has such an interesting vision.

  5. Fantastic! Shame on WWII and any other war.

  6. The first thing that comes to my mind is that Christmas song... Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o'er the plains.
    Nice one! :)

  7. Wonderful art and I'm always enchanted by angels representation!
