Monday, January 7, 2013

Sausages and Olives

Politicians are like pig: they are always eating, but soon they will be sausages for the people, placard, Livorno
“I politici sono come i maiali mangiano sempre presto diverranno salciccie per il popolo”
(Politicians are like pig: they are always eating, but soon they will be sausages for the people)

While one can even sympathize with the incipit, here is a semi-analphabet cannibal revolutionary who can't ever write “politici” in one go and spells “salcicce” (“salsicce” would be even better) with a superfluous “i”. Punctation is a unresolved mystery to him.
Una serata davvero vuota, le olive finiscono, graffiti, Livorno
“Una serata davvero vuota, le olive finiscono” (A really empty evening, we run out of olives)

An enigmatic message, but it is just a quote from the story “Senso contrario” from the book “Altri libertini” by Pier Vittorio Tondelli (1955-1991).

External links: Pier Vittorio Tondelli (Wikipedia) - Altri libertini (Google Books, in Italian)


  1. Yes, the taste of politics is a strange one. Great mean to measure time and life though.

    Please have a good new week ahead.

  2. Punctuation is an unresolved issue for many.

  3. I need you to translate for me. And to fix the punctuation.

  4. Nice shots. Laughing at Jacks comment.

  5. These are great signs V.P. Thank you for translating them. Could have figured it out, but would have taken time. The quote must have been written by someone who loves olives.

  6. You have very entertaining walls...

  7. You show that there is an art to reading, understanding, and proofreading graffiti.

  8. Interesting kind of graffiti.And what takes my attention was the sunshine in your first shot! I want some sunshine, please! I'm really tired of this weather here! :(
    Have a nice week my friend,

  9. Ah yes, there is nothing like misspelled political graffiti! A real call to action.

  10. They write badly on purpose, not to be recognized ;-)

  11. Karl - I wish you were right!

  12. Made me SMILE!:)
    Clear messages!:)

  13. A very menacing message, not to be neglected. They have been many times delivered by those who do not care much about grammar.

  14. I forgive the bad writing to the author of the sign on top, the message is clear enough! :-)
