Sunday, January 9, 2011

White Nights

White Nights by Luchino Visconti“Le notti bianche” (White Nights) is a film by the director Luchino Visconti, based on a short story by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The movie, starring Maria Schell, Marcello Mastroianni and Jean Marais, won the Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1957.White Nights by Luchino ViscontiA peculiarity of this movie is that the story is set in a derelict post-war Livorno, plausibly reconstructed in Rome's Cinecittà Studios.White Nights by Luchino ViscontiThe action, not much of it considered the kind of film, takes place mostly in the quarter of “Venezia Nuova” (New Venice), with its canals and bridges slightly beautified. It is hard to recognize any real place, but they caught quite well the essence of it.

The bridges of Venezia Nuova: Ponte di Marmo - Ponte dei Domenicani - Ponte della Venezia - Ponte di San Giovanni - Ponte dell'Angiolo - Ponte del Luogo Pio


  1. Excellent post VP. I like the images.

  2. Very interesting, VP! I didn't know. Thanks for telling us.

  3. Great film! And Visconti made the city feel so lonely. Thanks for the reminder...must watch this again.

  4. You live between famous walls.

    Please have a good Sunday you all.

    daily athens

  5. I have never seen this movie. I will have to find it so that I can watch it.

  6. E' retorico ma quando si dice la magia del cinema! Non c'è uno scorcio reale ma è più Livorno di Livorno; usando solo particolari anche banali hanno restituito l'immagine globale, del resto se dio è nei particolari, Visconti era un dio nei particolari.

  7. I'd like to see "White Nights" now that I know something about Livorno, thanks to you.

  8. Lovely images. I do love black and white. It conveys a lot of feeling, I think.

  9. I'm a big fan of Visconti but I haven't watched this movie... Now I have to look for it!

  10. Love old black and whites. Gonna get my hands on this one. Thanks!

  11. I loved the film, I learned something new again. Fantastic post.

  12. It looks more interesting than what they film in Astoria :)

  13. Nice stills! Never seen the movie. Will have to put it on my list.

  14. great atmosphere ! I 'd like to watch the movie :)
