Monday, January 10, 2011

Leopold II of Tuscany

Leopold II of Tuscany by Paolo Emilio Demi, LivornoOur forlorn Grand Duke spent almost a century in storage and a few decades surrounded by the former “Mercatino Americano”. At last Leopold II is free to stand in the middle of a cleared “Piazza XX Settembre”, just in front of the church of “San Benedetto”. We don't know yet if this square will become a new “Place d'Italie”, whatever that may mean in the minds of our city planners.Leopold II of Tuscany by Paolo Emilio Demi, LivornoThe monument is a work of our fellow citizen, the sculptor Paolo Emilio Demi. It was damaged in the riots of 1849, but now needs only some cleaning from more recent outrages.Bas-relief by Enrico Mirandoli, Piazza XX Settembre, LivornoThe unfinished bas-relief on the basement is the work of another local sculptor, Enrico Mirandoli (1810-1891).

See also: Forlorn Grand Duke - Mercatino Americano - San Benedetto - Place d'Italie?


  1. May life treat him kind through his struggle of time.

    Please have you all a good start into the new week.

    daily athens

  2. I like these shots. I don't care for the "artwork" on the base of the statue in the first picture.

  3. Looks like some of the uncommisioned "artwork" needs to be cleaned.

  4. Glad that it is goinog back to its prominent place. Is there nothing that can be done to keep the "artists" from spraying their graffiti on everything?

  5. I'm glad he has a place of honor now.

  6. I'm outraged at the recent outrage. That's the worst kind of graffiti possible...

  7. So disrespectful...poor statue.

  8. Such a nice statue and pictures of a statue! I am glad your local government brought it out! So, if I ever visit Livorno, I may see it too.

  9. Looks like he could do with a cleaning!

  10. An impressive monument that deserves to be cleaned up. The graffiti is a shame.

  11. It's great to see so many of the treasures of the past in relatively good condition. The graffiti is a terrible shame. though.

  12. Very interesting, VP. The top composition is beautiful.
