Saturday, January 8, 2011


Graffiti, via Bosi, Livorno
“Via Luigi Bosi”
Graffiti, via Galilei, Livorno
“Via Galileo Galilei”
Graffiti, Borgo dei Cappuccini, Livorno
“Borgo dei Cappuccini”


  1. Again and again. Some of these are very nice in trace, too bad that they damage public buildings or private property.

  2. I do think graffiti artists are rather clever, but is is a shame that they damage buildings.

  3. What a challenge for city authorities - would be a great chance to search and provide them walls which are much more in need of 'painting'.

    Please have a good weekend you all.

  4. These are great! I love the middle one best.

  5. It's fun to see these portraits-grafitti, VP! Actually in my town the authorities provided such walls for the artists, as Randy says.

  6. There can be a fine line between graffiti and street murals.

    We were in Valparaiso, Chile over the holidays and there they have an "Open Air Museum" of murals painted on walls. They are spectacular.

  7. I'm really not a graffiti fan. Some European cities seem completely overtaken by graffiti. Fortunately, it is uncommon in most parts of Hartford.

  8. I like all of them, despite the fact that the artists are using someone else's canvas.

  9. Artistic, and I like the way you have presented them.
    But if someone had painted my door without asking I guess I would not been too happy!

  10. Though I'm no graffiti fan, these aren't too bad.

    Happy New Year to both of you! :-)

  11. I know this is graffiti but the second photo is just so clever! I'm afraid I really like the artistic flare :-D

  12. Ditto. These are quite artistic. It's too bad the same mind doesn't abhor putting them where they don't belong.
