Friday, October 8, 2010

From the Top

View from the Mastio di MatildeIn this panoramic view from the top of the “Mastio di Matilde” we can see, beyond the ramparts of the “Capitana”, the churches of “San Ferdinando” and “Santa Caterina” and the slender grey line of the modern “Santa Trinita” bridge in foreground.View from the Mastio di MatildeA view of the “Ampolletta” with the recently rebuilt church of “San Francesco”, where, more than four hundreds of years ago, Livorno was formally declared “città”. On the left a glimpse of the “Palazzo Mediceo” and, on the right, of the “Palazzo del Portuale”.
View from the Mastio di MatildeInside the “Ampolletta” bastion it is easy to see the various levels of the structure, built in different times.View from the Mastio di MatildeThe “Canaviglia” topped by the reconstruction of the “Palazzo di Francesco”. The square tower at center of the image is the lower part of the “Torre Quadrata”, the older part of the fortress, which once guarded the Pisan port.

See also: Fortezza Vecchia - Piazza dei Grani - Scalo Regio - Porta del Duca - Cortile d'Arme - Capitana - Ampolletta - Molo del Soccorso - Canaviglia - Palazzo di Francesco - Mastio di Matilde
Search labels: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. Once again, I'm very impressed, not just with your beautiful photos, but with your knowledge of the history of your city. It appears the ruins are open to the public and I'd love to spend some time there.

    This is a terrific post!

  2. Looks so peaceful to me.

    Please have a good Friday.

    daily athens

  3. VP, thank you for posting these. They are great. Love seeing the places in the images and recognizing some because of your pictures. Really beautiful images.

  4. What a beautiful place to explore!

  5. I am so amazed with all of this. The pictures, the information, the colors and views. I like the curves too. I am impressed. A 'citta' in the 1600s---wow! Thanks for the tour. MB

  6. And that's what's fascinating with a città . Old and new structures intertwined as life goes on.

  7. From above always is particularly interesting to see patterns. Superb!

  8. Fantastic view from the top! The church is beautiful...I'd love to see more photos of it ;D

  9. I always like the views from above!
    Superb post.

  10. Really interesting, I think I would be there hours taking pictures!
    Thanks so much for sharing these pictures, wonderful work!

  11. They sure knew how to build back then.

  12. Great views from above! Now we know the feeling of being inside... and on top!

  13. I like the contrast between the modern and the ancient.

  14. Wow. I really like this view into the fort. It's such an interesting place!

  15. And . . . you even managed to slip a big ferry into these great photos.

  16. Fantastic views! I agree 100% with Jacob!

  17. Nice informative post with some great photos of the area.
