Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bowl of Hygieia

Bowl of Hygieia, via De Larderel, LivornoHere is the bowl of Hygieia, one of the symbols of pharmacy, on the corner of “Via De Larderel” and “Piazza dei Mille”, just outside a municipal pharmacy. Hygieia was the Greek goddess of health. Bowl of Hygieia, Via Gramsci, LivornoThe same symbol on the wall of our city hospital, in “Via Gramsci”.Bowl of Hygieia, via Grande, LivornoA simpler version of the bowl outside a pharmacy in “Via Grande”.
One more example, if you like, in an older post.


  1. Beautiful symbols for your pharmacy. Everything here in American is so new compared to yours.

  2. With the beginning of the "flu season" a great measurement of time and life. Nearly every pharmacy over here makes advertisments, that vaccination has arrived ... Please have a good weekend.

    daily athens

  3. These are so interesting VP, thanks for the info.

  4. Quite a variation in the interpretation of the symbol. Like the top photo.

  5. Those are very interesting. I wonder why the snake is a symbol in medicine. The caduceus--a winged staff with two serpents twined around it is the symbol of the medical profession. MB

  6. Conosco la figura mitologica della dea greca della salute Igea ,ma non sapevo del simbolo della coppa posta davanti a farmacie od ospedali,post molto interessante

  7. That first one is very ornate.
    Strange, I have never seen this symbol, but now I will seek it out. In America they seem to use more the mortar and pestle symbol for pharmacy, maybe.
    Thanks for this new bit of knowledge.

  8. Yes, I have noticed these around.

    Thank you for your research. I didn't even try to Google the sculpture. I guess I should have.

  9. As I'm deathly afraid of snakes...these signs are probably not very good for my heart! ;-D

  10. You're really good at finding interesting subject everywher! I'm impresse.
    I love the last detail most.

  11. Beautiful medicine symbols!
    I agree with Joo, you are good at finding different subjects to take pictures, thanks very much! ;)
    Happy Sunday

  12. It's so nice to learn things from blogging! :) I had no idea of the link between medicine / pharmacy and Greek mythology! Thanks for that!
    God bless you!

  13. What a great idea, VP! The symbols of pharmacy are among my favourites and these are wonderful!

  14. I'm wandering about in the wilderness...can't recall ever having seen this symbol. Probably 'cause I just never paid attention. I like, though. I especially like that first photo!

    Why is a serpent involved, I wonder? Must have to do with mythology in one way or another...

  15. Our pharmacies were owned by the state up until earlier this year. So now they are all using different symbols.

  16. I love the way you follow the symbol through the city. We've posted on snakes in religion today. Thanks to Dina (Jerusalem Hills), I made it over to see your post!
