Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Piazza dei Grani

Piazza dei Grani, LivornoFrom the quarter of “Venezia”, following the canal along the “Scali delle Ancore”, a stairway leads to this footbridge and to a wide terrace in front of the “Fortezza Vecchia”.Piazza dei Grani, LivornoThe arched line in background is the new Santa Trinita bridge, while in the top right corner we get a glimpse of the Fish Market building.Piazza dei Grani, LivornoThis skylight, now completely obstructed by vegetation, once allowed us to observe an old “buca dei grani” (grain pit) beneath the surface. It is one of the many pits used for grain storage, hence the old name of the place “Piazza dei Grani” (literally: Square of the Grains).Piazza dei Grani, LivornoThe same terrace seen from the “Santa Trinita” bridge, beyond the fortress we can see the Old Harbor or “Pamiglione”. This is the first in a series of posts about the “Fortezza Vecchia”.

See also: Fortezza Vecchia - Scalo Regio - Porta del Duca - Cortile d'Arme - Capitana - Ampolletta - Molo del Soccorso - Canaviglia - Palazzo di Francesco - Mastio di Matilde - From the Top
Search labels: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. I do like the sky light and would love to be on one of those boats.

  2. Thank you again for a most interesting tour of Livorno. 'Tis a very old city, right? But all in all, quite fascinating! Beautiful photographs, too.

    Re your comment on The Villages: I'm usually more level-headed than that!

  3. There certainly are a variety of images on this walk.

  4. What a nice scenic walk. The third is my favorite.

  5. The cover of the grain pit makes a nice greenhouse.
    I'd love to live in a city with a fish market (i.e. near water).

    Thanks for the tour from all the angles.

  6. Lovely walk starting with an inviting footbridge.

    Why is the pit so full of plants?

  7. A very nice series. I really like the first photo. Will be waiting for more. MB

  8. I love the skylight and the footbridge but the last photo is my favourite!

  9. I am absolutely intrigued by the skylight. I think it looks great with the plants. Was it done on purpose, you think?

  10. Quite the tight squeeze in the skylight! A very interesting view! I also really like the arched footbridge :D

  11. Are you a tour guide in your spare time?

  12. Very interesting that skylight, I don't know why but I have the sensation I'm a giant and it would be a miniature world.I know...crazy idea LOL
    The footbridge is beautiful and I love the perspective in your picture!

  13. Interesting sights today. How did they get all that stuff to grow under the skylight? That's a bit odd.

  14. BTW: You certaintly may use that bench for your bench blog. I have more I may send you. MB

  15. The skylight was built to show the pit below, but nobody thought of the vegetation which grew wildly inside, obstructing the view.

  16. The skylight is so interesting! The fortress looks fantastic and has a great colour. Also like the perspective of the bridge on top.

  17. I like the photo of the skylight with the fortress in the background. There's a lot to see and contemplate in it plus the sky is interesting too.

  18. ringraziamenti. the pics are lovely. I haven't looked at your profile. Do you live there or just visit?
