Monday, September 27, 2010

Palazzo di Francesco

Palazzo di Francesco, Fortezza Vecchia, LivornoThe only survivor of the buildings on this part of the fortress is the “Palazzo di Francesco”, built by Francesco I de' Medici, practically rebuilt after the war.
Palazzo di Francesco, Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno During the reconstruction, part of the wall was purposedly left unplastered, to show how the building was originally built.
Palazzo di Francesco, Fortezza Vecchia, LivornoThe small balcony was added on a request by Cavaniglia himself.

See also: Fortezza Vecchia - Piazza dei Grani - Scalo Regio - Porta del Duca - Cortile d'Arme - Capitana - Ampolletta - Molo del Soccorso - Canaviglia - Mastio di Matilde - From the Top
Search labels: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. I would love to see these buildings that you have posted lately.

  2. Looks as if life and time are not as strong as this building.

    Please have a good new week.

    daily athens

  3. Nice photos and fine commentary. Is the palazzo being used by anyone or for anything today?

  4. Wonderful building. I love the pop of the red and yellow in the first picture.

  5. Now that would make a great apartment! Nice post as always.

  6. I agree with Randy, would be a cool place to live - home is you castle. What, however, qualifies this as a palazzo?

  7. Interesting--thank you.
    Does anyone live there now? MB

  8. You must have done quite a bit of walking/climbing when you took these photos.(?)
    I would love to have a view over the harbor. Just one of my dreams.... :)

  9. Oh, my palace!
    Imagine writing that return address on an envelope.
    I love the way they do that in Europe, leaving a part of the original wall exposed in homage to the stones.

  10. @ Francisca - I think the original owners and the location qualified this as a palazzo. Here was were the Grand Duke lived, the court had other rooms now destroyed by the war. We'll see a real palazzo, still standing, just outside the walls of the fortress.

  11. I think the “Palazzo di Francesco” is now used by the people involved in the management of the fortress.

  12. I like the old part of the wall ;)

  13. Such an interesting shape of this building! I love balconies:)
    Have a nice week ahead!

  14. YOu would get an excellent view from the balcony.

  15. I imagine the fabulous view from that balcony! :)
    Very interesting!

  16. Ciao,
    belle le tue foto di Livorno!!!Deh! Noi toscani le sappiamo valorizzare le nostre città!!!
    A volte dico tra di me quando metto le foto di Massa..."Diranno che sono pagata dall'ATP" ed invece è solo amore per la mia città.
    Ciao un abbraccio toscano

  17. Davvero affascinante! Grazie per questa serie!!!

  18. Great location especially as seen from where you were when you took the bottom shot.

  19. He must of had great taste, I love that balcony! ;D
