Saturday, May 1, 2010

Theme Day: Statues

Giuseppe Garibaldi by Augusto Rivalta, LivornoGiuseppe Garibaldi, a statue by the sculptor Augusto Rivalta.Bust of Giuseppe Mazzini, Fortezza Nuova, LivornoA bust (which is not a statue) of Giuseppe Mazzini, now sadly hidden inside the “Fortezza Nuova”, closed to public since January 2009

See also: Garibaldi - Inside the Fortress - From the Fortress - Fortress with a Secret - C Eaters


  1. I really love the statue of Garibaldi - the beautiful clouds behind him just add so much impact. Such a contrast to the 2nd photo's impact with the brick behind him. Both statues have great detail.

  2. Giuseppe and Giuseppe. Great choice for the theme day.

  3. Those clouds behind the statue certainly add more drama than than the bricks, though the lighting in the second is nice. Nice statues.

  4. Excellent choices for the theme. I don't know how you got such an outstanding image of the one no longer on view to the public but I'm so glad you did.

  5. Omigod! The first picture - is it outside and is that what the sky looked like behind it? Incredible; stunning!

    I like the bust of Mazzini, too - such depth of feeling captured!

  6. That first picture is wonderful! Makes him look God-like, as if he's walking in the clouds!

  7. You must have an "in" with the Man upstairs or incredible timing. Either way, the first photo is something special.

  8. I agree with everyone about the first statue. My first thought was how epic it looked with the relative plainness of the cape against those magnificently boiling clouds - it almost looks like the spray of a huge waterfall or the ice of a glacier. Stunning any way you look at it.

  9. Sky behind the first picture is beautiful.

    Love the way he is posting too.

    You Got A Posty ~ PFF
    All Little Things I Like

  10. I love your first photo! That huge cloud is just awesome and makes for such a dramatic backdrop! I hope Signore Mazzini will not stay hidden for long.

  11. Quite different (photographic) backgrounds each Giuseppe has, both dramatic.

    Your C Eaters link about Gorgia toscana is fascinating!

  12. Two fabulous statues but the first photograph is so dramatic. Love it.

  13. I liked a lot your choice , they are great sculptures!The first one is very impressive and a beautiful homage a this important Italian hero!
    Have a nice weekend dear friend,

  14. Wow! Did you order the clouds to appear or what? This should be a post card.

  15. I admire both statues...magnificent features. Garibaldi looks like he's about to conquer the world!

  16. Oh dear, I frgot theme day!!
    Both statues are great. Won't find anything like that out here in these woods.

    I did find some sailboats though.


  17. You have lots of nice statues to choose from in Livorno! I like these two you have chosen.

    Happy weekend!

  18. awesome image with the statue in the clouds. superb composition for theme day

  19. Both beautiful. Those fluffy clouds are just fantastic.

  20. He looks like he's floating above the clouds! Wonderful photos for theme day :D

  21. Both Giuseppes have great backgrounds but the clouds above (or behind!) Garibaldi are amazing and make such an incredible shot!

  22. I cannot decide if the clouds are real or a painting!
    They give Garibaldi such an aura.
    Great choice.

  23. Your first shot makes it look as if he is in heaven! Wonderful shots. Have a great weekend.

  24. Garibaldi, with this background... Just fantastic. Mazzini is not bad either!

  25. One of my favorite painting is “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog” by Caspar David Friedrich.
    I had this in mind when patiently waiting for the right clouds around Garibaldi.

  26. Wow, the top photo is really SUPERB!
    Mr. Garibaldi had style, and amazing work by the artist.

  27. Happy theme days:) Your city is never out of awesome photos.

  28. Garibaldi against the clouds is fantastic!

  29. Two great statues of two great men! Perfect picks for theme day today!

  30. Garibaldi has a very special background, love it.

  31. the first shot against the clouds is beautiful ;)

  32. Garibaldi e le nuvole, bellisima accoppiata!
    ciao simona
