Saturday, December 12, 2009

More Seasons

Statues of the four seasons, corso Amedeo, LivornoAbout the four seasons, we have already seen four busts on the facade of the “Palace of the Marble Columns” and another full figure set giving its name to a kindergarten in “Corso Amedeo”.Statues of the four seasons, corso Amedeo, LivornoIt's easy to find the third set because it is on the restored facade of an old apartament building, still in “Corso Amedeo” and just in front of the kindergarten. This time all the four seasons are ladies.


  1. All ladies, eh? It so happens that I'm studying criminology from a gender perspective these days and I'm pretty sure some feminist philosopher somewhere would go nuts over this! ;)

  2. Speaking of busts, I much prefer the ladies!

  3. Three sets of four seasons. Perhaps, VP, you can come up with a fourth set for us?

  4. Very sexist. What ever happened to old man winter?

  5. I see - Italians start the kids sex education in Kindergarten :) Nice prompts :)

  6. if Italy is anything like the neighboring Croatia, this is not risque at all.
    The 4 ladies are very well done. A bit chilly outfits for the colder months.

  7. Nice ART and interesting comments!;-)

  8. These 'seasoned' ladies appear to be full of life, and the winter lady uncovers it all. Strange women.

  9. And really nice ladies indeed:)
    Great weekend to you.

  10. Very lovely, fancy statues for an apartment building!

  11. Ah, but winter does look nice here! They are all lovely, but my favourite has to be spring. Her expression is so impertinently charming!

  12. I wanna live in a building with such lovely ladies on the facade!

  13. The winter lady looks much happier than the old winter man in your last season series. Maybe she's just back from skiing or building a snowman.

  14. Each season has a particular grace...
    Wonderful captures of these beautiful pieces of art!
    God bless you!

  15. Hard to choose a favourite, but maybe I agree with Ciel, so Miss Spring gets my vote.

  16. You've put together a gorgeous composition here, taking time to arrange the images in pairs. It looks very cool on the blog this way. And, the photos are nice. Good subjects and nice contrast in the pictures. Nice detail. Do I like this post? Yes!!!

  17. The idea of the four seasons seems very popular in Livorno! I guess each season there must be remarkably different from each other. Although the way these are so scantily clothed I don't see how any of them could be winter...not the way Canadians know winter, anyway. :)

  18. Another lovely set of seasons!
    I wonder if there's one that's all male out there somewhere.
