Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday & Saturday

Satellite dish mounted inside a window, LivornoIn my last Sunday afternoon walk, a very short one, I found this satellite dish mounted inside a window. Probably not so rare, very convenient during winter.Pink and blue ribbons usually mark the birth of a baby, but in this case the quadruplets are puppies. I doubt that the real parents have anything to do with this display.I saw these pigeons literally pigeonholed on the inviting walls of the “Benci” elementary school.I caught this on Saturday, but I am eager to show you one of the first lucky motorist to win a wheel boot in Livorno. To unlock the clamp he will have to pay 25 Euro cash plus the parking ticket.

More Walks


  1. Your whole post was interesting and fun to look at as always, but the Benci School with pigeons is the aesthetic stand-out. I love the colors, the windows, and it's just odd to see the pigeons spaced in rows like they were designed to be sitting there. This is pigeon art for sure.

  2. A nice series of unconnected visages of interest. I'm wondering how that dish works inside a window...must be OK...

    The puppy ribbons are very cute...two of each kind...

    The pigeons are hilarious. God, what a mess they must be making! Ugh!

    The boot, well, that's a shame, but at the same time he/she either shouldn't have parked there or shouldn't have parked there for longer than what was allowed...

    Fascinating fotos, VP. Grazie!

  3. It's so much fun going for a walk around town with you, VP. I think the pigeon capture is fabulous.

  4. I can't believe there are so many pigeons!

    Wheel boot? Hmmm. Someone must have been very unhappy to find this on his/her car!

  5. yes, yes ... the pigeon image is blink-worthy! I could not believe they were real pigeons at first. It must warm up just right! I agree with Jacob, what a mess they must be making. I guess they have disease too.

  6. You find all sorts of interesting things but those pigeons are amazing.

  7. That motorist will certainly feel a little hung up and picked on! Zut alors!

  8. Very fun series of photos. The perched pigeons are unbelievable. Coincidentally, I saw for the first time today, a car in downtown Salem with a boot.

  9. Seeing Satellite antennas inside the house would be rare here in Mumbai. The decoration with the ribbons look lovely. Pigeons are into a conference or should I call it a pigeon stock market.... :-) The locked car due to a rule-break too is rare... here a in Mumbai a car wrongly parked gets towed away and then the owner has to firstly hope that his care wasn't stolen and then assume the traffic policed towed it away... he gets a relief only after seeing his car in a safe and sound condition at the traffic police office :-D

    - Pixellicious Photos

  10. Someone might be parking a little more carefully the next time. Interesting mechanism.

  11. The birds remind me of Hitchcock, especially since they're at a school. As for the indoor satellite dish - don't you close the window in winter?
    Beautiful photos.

  12. Very entertaining series! The decoration with the ribbons are nice - someone must be really fond of the puppies! This satelite dish looks strange for me - how do they manage to close the window? Or maybe they don't close it.
    I can see many cars with boots here - people just park like nuts here - I reckon that it costs more here!
    Ach and pigeons look like pattern on this wall:)

  13. Interesting discoveries, I love this walks about town series. I especially like the pigeons photo, you almost can't believe they're real.

  14. You see such unusual and interesting things during your walks!

    The puppy birth announcement is so cute.

    The pigeons on the walls freaked me out. The mall I most frequently go to had grooves on their walls too and the entire thing was one huge bird roost (smaller than pigeons). They finally had the walls renovated and they're smooth now. No more roosting birds.

    Hate those tire clamps! Especially when you're in an unfamiliar place and can't find the darned police station.

  15. Hello dear friend,
    fabulous and funny pictures!
    This walk was great for creative ideas.
    I loved that idea at the second picture, welcome birth pets!

  16. What a lovely pictures! The first photo with the pink wall is bright and cheerful, love it!

  17. interesting photos, you had nice walk.

  18. The puppy announcement is the hammer! As for the pigeons, I wonder what state the wall is in...

  19. Pidgeons are a true plague here as well, but those couldn't fit better on that building! They seem to make part of it! :-) Great find!

  20. the pigeon shot is priceless (and the car shot is very pricey). I commend your observant eye on your walks thru town.

  21. I know I'm repetitive, but the pigeons on the building make a great pic!

  22. Those are real pigeons? I've never seen anything like this - very unique! Did they made the house out of cookies?

  23. Lots of interesting photos...I especially like the photo of the pigeons. These birds have mad skill...
