Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bunch of Benches

Chairs, via GoitoThe first could have been a joke, but the second set of additional odd chairs tipped me off. The third group I saw was actually used by several ladies, quite busy with their mid morning chat.
Chairs, via GoitoThe few benches in this zone are so far away that people had to carry their old chairs to better socialize. This is not a deprived periphery but a stretch of green in one of the best zones of Livorno, bordering with the fields of the Tennis Club, between “Via Goito” and “Via Sant'Jacopo in Acquaviva”.Benches, via della CappellinaAnd where have all the benches gone? I have found some in “Via della Cappellina”, not one of the “poshest” places in town.

This is the second time that Livorno Daily Photo is being posted from abroad, we are in London until November 1st.


  1. Lots of benches today, here and there.

    Have a great stay in London! With the net, it doesn't seem to matter much anymore where we are. Strange and exciting, all at once. Like life itself.

  2. Hope you're having some sunshine in London. Each of these seating arrangements has cornered a bit of where are all the sitters to soak it in?

  3. Gossip in Livorno must be an essential part of the day's activities if you import chairs. Will we get to see some of the participants?

  4. Tell me, you lucky dog, is London encased in smog?


    Nah, I really glad you get to travel about 'cause then we eventually get to see the photos from your travels which are always amazingly beautiful!

    I think maybe the women had to bring the chairs close because they are all hard of hearing. That happens as one ages. I can vouch for it.

    And then, sometimes it's best to have benches far apart in case the conversation becomes too heated...that way another person cannot reach over and punch you - they have to get and walk to you which gives you time to run away!

    Well, that's what I would do. ;-)

  5. these are great captures of community spots. your photos remind us all that seating allows a community to connect.

  6. Hey, where is everyone? Did EVERYONE go to London? Why wasn't I invited?! Do give my kind regards to her Majesty . . . . .

  7. Glad to see that people take matters into their own hands and create a space they want.
    Hope you have lovely weather in London. ... well even with bad weather, it's a fabulous place to visit.

  8. Enjoy London! We are enjoying a nice and typical London weather right now, wind, rain, cold. Hope the sun will carry on shining upon Livorno's benches!

  9. You won't see the ladies because they were already studying this crazy man taking pictures of empty chairs and benches. Coming their turn, I understood by their stare that it wasn't the case...

  10. Different benches, different makes, different shapes but the purpose is same :-) Seems like there were conferences or outdoor meetings organised in all those places... the benches & chairs seem perfectly arranged for a meeting..

    Pixellicious Photos

  11. I'm still on sabbatical but am quickly visiting some of my favorite blogs this morning! Love the story behind photographing the benches. The ladies must have loved you!

  12. These are so wonderful. Great story. It reminds me of my childhood and the old men in town gathering in the town plaza.

  13. Hope you are enjoying London!

    I like all these chairs and benches. There's quite some variety.

  14. I can image many of ladies talking at there.

  15. But the chairs and benches are all empty. Where is everybody? Have they all flown to London with you? Hope you are having a great time!

  16. But how much chat the women of

  17. Have fun in London! Wish I were there too! Very interesesting photos.

  18. Fresh photos from London coming up! These photos for me personnify (ah that might be a French word sorry) life in Mediterranean countries! Have a great time!

  19. Yes............ but is it art?

  20. One of my favourite subjects:) I like the last photo the most.
    Have fun in London - I will change you there in November!!!!!

  21. I'd have to disagree with good old Leif on one particular matter. Tell them they should get themselves a president. After all, it's 2009. (Incidentally, so should we. Any century now, I guess...)

  22. I think it could be used by mothers taking care of your kids while they are playing around! :)
    Cool pictures!

  23. @ Kate - Thank you for your visit!
    @ Stine - I already explained it, I was a bit afraid of their reaction...
    @ amatamari© - A lot...
    @ Sean - What art? These chairs?

  24. :) This is pretty funny. Have a nice trip in London!

  25. Hahaha! This post is sooo funny, thanks for sharing it with us :-)

    How are you finding London? I'm off to Milan tomorrow, can't wait!

  26. That kind of sights are disappearing. I've never seen people gathering to chat daily in one spot here in NC. It is still a common sight in Bulgaria. People in the New World are more isolated. I believe the lack of benches and chairs circled together is what causing modern kids to have hard time socializing. If parents chat with their TVs and webtops instead of their neighbors - no wonder kids have no clue how to interact socially.

  27. @ Tinsie - I lived in Milan for about a year in the 80s, I really loved it.
    London is a mess now: works in every road, but the weather is quite good for this time of the year.
