Sunday, June 7, 2009

Around the Duomo

Street light, Cathedral of San Francesco (Saint Francis), LivornoStreet light in “Piazza Grande” against the windowless brickwork of the east side of the Duomo.Cathedral of San Francesco (Saint Francis), LivornoOn the same side we can see the large round window at the end of the transept, one of the few sources of sunlight of the building.Cathedral of San Francesco (Saint Francis), LivornoOn the western side of the church a worn tablet is embedded in the brickwork, a relic of the original church. Written in arcaic Italian, it seems to be a warning of some kind.

See also: Duomo di Livorno


  1. Everything is beautiful.
    Especially the middle one!

  2. I love this round window! There's a church, near the place I live,
    from the 30s of previous century. It's red brick with round stained glass windows. They look very similar! My first impression was that you put photo from Gliwice:)

  3. Brick and metal, brick and glass, brick and stone. Interesting triplet of images.

  4. I home it doesn't say something like, "Don't move this tablet."

  5. Nice pictures. But now I'm curious. Where's the Duomo photo? The inside too. I'm sure they're beautiful . . . .

  6. I can see a pattern on that round window, almost like stained glass. I'm glad they were able to salvage even just parts of the original church. I wonder if the warning is about behavior and such inside the church, or a warning about the perils of the world and losing your soul.

    Brattcat's observation is spot on! Lovely trio.

  7. The Post Is Great !! The Photograph Is Really Amazing !! Thanks For Sharing...

  8. I love that rounded window, It's fine.

  9. Wow, this round window is absolutely stunning! We're going to post sth similar in the nearest future:)

  10. Fascinating. The brick in the last picture seems different than the brick in the first two...maybe that's because the last one is a close-up...

  11. @ joo - Any photo of it?

    @ brattcat - You are right, thanks, I had not thought of it!

    @ Leif Hagen - There is a link to the post on the word 'Duomo'.

    @ m_m - I'm sure I'll like it.

    @ Jacob - You are right, the third photo was taken a different day, but I think some bricks are newer because of the reconstruction after the war.

  12. The stone bears prohibition to make a mess ("farvi sporcitie") by the walls of the church("nell circuito della chiesa")...
