Monday, June 25, 2012

Urban Farm

Urban farm, scali del Refugio, LivotnoI found this “fattoria urbana” (urban farm) on the “Scali del Refugio”, in the Venezia quarter.Urban farm, scali del Refugio, LivotnoThese stone-paved slopes from street level to water level are quite common along the canals of Livorno, but farming on them was unheard of until now.


Randy said...

I love this garden. What a great idea.

Jack said...

Some people are so starved for greenery that they will plant in the smallest and least likely places.

I will get you another photo of the red bench in front of Lena's.

Kate said...

An unusual garden and how wonderful that it works so pleasure in a pretty baren location.

Michelle said...

Nice to see things growing and in such a creative way!

cieldequimper said...

:-) Much better than graffiti...

Dina said...

I've heard about pallet gardens but never seen one.
The setting for yours is a surprising combination of hard and soft.

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a very interesting idea, and it's also beautiful.I like a lot these pictures!

Stefan Jansson said...

That is very unusual and not a bad idea, nice find.

Halcyon said...

Maybe some Pisans started this farm? ;)

Birdman said...

I enjoy photographing walls like this. Creative crannies too.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

El mundo de las cosas antiguas, de las piedras que siempre estuvieron en el mismo sitio.

Saludos y un abrazo.

Anonymous said...

An oasis. Wonderful pictures. Thank you for this joy. Please have a good Tuesday.

Vreni said...

Wonderful capture! I read about urban gardening in Vienna, but so far I didn´t discover any examples. I will watch out!

Traveling Hawk said...

It makes for great photos, VP!

Gunn said...

Looks nice!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It always amazes me some of the most unlikely places that you find folk growing things and why not it certainly cheers things up.

Yukinori Katayama said...

I love these pics! it reminds me something

Unknown said...

Love that wall!