Furio Sciumbata is a hobbyist, but also an absolutely expert luthier and guitar maker who has organized a lutherie workshop in town. All the instruments shown today are from his personal production.

A rebec

A citole
See also: Cuatro, Clàrsach & Dulcimer - Guitars, at Last!
External links: Hurdy gurdy - Rebec - Citole (Wikipedia)
Contacts: Centro di ricerca e pratica musicale (Lutherie Workshop) - f.sciumbata@alice.it
Wonderful to see these unusual instruments! Thanks.
Looking at your pictures I can almost hear these beautiful instruments being played.
These are so amazing. Really wonderful.
These are very interesting.
A talented man, MR. Furio Sciumbata.
To hear music from one's own beautiful creations, like these instruments, must be a gift from heaven.
You need to be a very good artist to make these types of musical instruments.
Luthiers just amaze me and I am so glad there are still 2 or 3 in Versailles. These instruments are beauties to cherish and use of course.
That's really an art, isn't it? So much talent and craft...
God bless you!
Oh, what gloriously beautiful instruments!
A master craftsman indeed VP. So that's what a hurdy gurdy looks like, I've often wondered!!
Exquisite work, VP! I take my hat off for your friend, bravo! They look like jewels and are very interesting instruments. Intarsia (I think you call it the same in Italian, as I do not know the English word for it) looks great!
He does wonderful work,VP. Each is beautiful.
Beautiful instruments !
They are absolutely beautiful! So happy that they are still made, and played.
They're all fantastic!
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