Monday, December 21, 2015

Seven Years

High rise, Piazza 
Matteotti, Livorno
After 2558 posts and thousands of photos, our seventh anniversary finds us quite tired. We have been toying for a while with the idea of completely shutting down the blog, but we will probably settle soon for a less interactive approach, which sadly means less visits and comments to other blogs. Also “A Bunch of Benches” will end quite soon. We are absolutely not happy with this choice, but keeping four blogs for years is a time-consuming endeavor and this is the only option to keep at least Livorno Daily Photo still going.

Anniversary Walk - Two Years - Three Years of PowerShots - Four Years - Five Years - Six Years

See also: Top Ranking Blog - Half a Million - 2000! - 500,000
External links: City Daily Photo (Portal) - Classifica blog provincia di Livorno (BlogItalia, in Italian)


  1. Congratulations on your blog's seventh anniversary. I understand your dilemma completely. However much I enjoy seeing what other blogging friends are showing, it is very time-intensive. I have had similar thoughts. So far, I continue to post daily and visit when I can, but when I reach the seven year mark, I don't know what choice I will make.

  2. Glad to hear this blog will continue, VP. Your my Italian connection. :-)

  3. Congratulations on the anniversary. I too am glad you will continue this blog for a while longer. Yes, it does take a lot of time but, I do so enjoy taking the photos and sharing them and I really enjoying seeing the photos from other bloggers.

  4. Congratulations on the seventh anniversary, VP !
    I'm also glad you will continue !

  5. Mazal tov and thanks for seven long years of good work on your blogs! Every single day another post for us to enjoy and/or learn from. You two are the only people I know in Italy, and now I feel a lot closer to the country than I did seven years ago. It makes a difference.
    But we all understand your need to devote more time to other parts of life.
    Still, we hope to see Livorno Daily Photo live on. Good luck in finding the right balance.

  6. Congratulations my friend! Seven years is a great achievement. Glad to hear that it will remain around for us to enjoy your great work.

  7. I know the feeling. I had to cut back to one blog. That took a lot of pressure off me. Hope you are still able to carry on in one way or another.

  8. My sincere congratulations on reaching a seven year milestone with your blogs. I have always enjoyed your photos providing a small view into your world. Thank you for all those posts. Yes, I know exactly what you mean about the time and work involved. Know your efforts are appreciated. Glad you are keeping this blog going.

  9. Seven years is a milestone and it is understandable why you'd want to call it quits or at least back off a little bit. As you know, I'm getting tired more often, and so I take a few more breaks. I always enjoy your blogs, though, and would miss you if you decide to shut it down entirely. But you must do what is best for you.

  10. Almost reaching 7 years and wondering the same things...

  11. The same here...
    CONGRATULATIONS on your 7 years with blogging. I have enjoyed your Livorno blog and also the one with the benches.... Each time I pass a bench I am thinking about you and your blog.

    I hope you will continue your Livorno blog, but I fully understand that it is time to think it through.

  12. I can understand that maintaining multiple blogs is a big effort. As a born and bred 'Livornese' who left his hometown in 2000 (and sorely missing it), livornodailyphoto is at the top of my daily feeds. *Every day* I have the immense pleasure of looking at a new photo. Even places that perhaps have little importance to most visitors, are full of memories for me (last post... Sant'Agostino church? I spent most of my youth between Aldo Moro square (different name then!) and Villa Fabbricotti...). ALL your photos have connotations for me, and I would be very sorry to see your blogs gone, please keep at least 'Livorno Daily Photo' going (and of course congrats for the great work all these years).

  13. Congratulations for reaching the 7-year mark. I would find it sad if you stop blogging here but I do understand the need for change.

  14. Happy anniversary ! :) Great job so far :)

  15. One blog should be enough, Try posting to this one and everyone will be happy!

  16. Thanks to everybody for the kind words and to Luca in particular!
    LDP will surely keep going, I will try to find the time.
    By the way, other platforms looks inviting and also easier for something like this: we are already trying something different...

  17. Something different? Hmm, we are anxious and curious to hear. Good luck!
