Saturday, July 25, 2015

Four Moors Roundabout

Four Moors, Quattro Mori, Livorno
Livorno has already an inordinate amount of roundabouts, but they are building a new one just next to the Four Moors. It is almost a good thing that they did not build the thing around the monument...

See also: Four Moors - Four Noses - Morgiano & Alì - Culture & Sculpture - Livorno in the Future - Ferdinando's Scroll - The Cage - Out of the Cage - “Talking” Statues
External links: Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany - Order of Saint Stephen (Wikipedia)


  1. We've got some roundabouts in D.C. Craziest intersections in the city. :-)

  2. I rather like roundabouts, but then I've never been "normal." The four moors do not look like they are being treated very well. Who is up on the pedestal? Interesting photo which generates more questions than answers.

  3. Roundabouts can be very challenging, but often help facilitate traffic flow.

  4. We have a few and people just get so confused by them. Great sculpture.

  5. Roundabouts might be a nice traffic option for small cities but they really cause more traffic and delays in larger ones.

  6. I'm not a fan of roundabouts but they are a definite building trend here at the moment. I like the feeling of motion in this monument.

  7. I rarely see a roundabout here in America.

  8. I'm sure they could move the monument into the roundabout if you told them to.

  9. There are a few small roundabouts here but they are on minor roads!. I found the ones in Europe so confusing and scary.

  10. Lol, you have roundaboutis disease too?! I love this place. Great moments!

  11. Nice light to highlight the various figures in your statue. Good luck with the new roundabout and its construction. Our little town is full of them and now an additional one is being built.

  12. That is sooooo pretty, so if I had been driving my little Fiat500C I would have stopped the car just to see it in real.

    Great image ( love the light/colours ) The most artistic roundabout I have ever seen.

  13. I seem to be in the minority, but I think roundabouts work pretty well most of the time. And, I think that statue is terrific.
