Friday, July 24, 2015

Chico Mendes

Chico Mendes quote, Via Oberdan, Livorno
O legado “A floresta nos une diante do perigo comum, nos faz mais fraternos. É por isso que meu trabalho em defesa da Amazônia não pode parar”, Chico Mendes. (The legacy: “The forest unites us in front of the common threat, makes us more fraternal. That is why my work in defense of the Amazon can not stop”, Chico Mendes).
Coat of arms of Acre, Via Oberdan, Livorno
This portrait and this quote of Chico Mendes are on a shutter in Via Oberdan. On the next shutter I saw the coat of arms of the Republic of Acre with its motto: “Nec luceo pluribus impar” (I am not shining less than many).

External links: Chico Mendes - Republic of Acre (Wikipedia)


  1. Chico looks quite daper. And I like the motto on the coat of arms. I will have to remember that!

  2. We learn something every day at this blog. Thanks, VP.

  3. Someone has put up a nice tribute.

  4. Kind of a convoluted motto if you ask me.

  5. Thank you for providing the link to the article about the Republic of Acre, which I found very interesting.

  6. Don't get me started on the Amazon. These are striking.
