Monday, May 25, 2015

The Other Half

Piazza del Municipio, Livorno
Part of the square was refurbished five years ago, now is the other half of Piazza del Municipio which is changing face. This area, mostly a parking lot between Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall) and Palazzo Granducale, will become a “pedestrian zone” with some green, palm trees, and a lot of speeding bicycles.
Piazza del Municipio, Livorno
We are usually wary of new works: in fact they already stopped for a month because the planning was wrong...

See also: Work in Progress - Town Hall - Palazzo Granducale - Piazza del Municipio - Municipal Building - Town Hall Facade


  1. This is the regular state of affairs here. Delays, though, tend to be few and short-lived, probably because of the oftentimes arduous permits process.

  2. One never know what can be found under an old plaza. Hope it works out well. I rather like speeding bicycles, but that's just me.

  3. Let's hope it's soon finished and will match well with the rest of the area completed all those years ago.

  4. Thank you, VP! And, I'm sorry, I had to laugh at the last line of your post :-)

  5. It will be an interesting contrast - the calming palm trees and the crazy cyclists!

  6. I like your shots VP. Hopefully they can finish it soon.

  7. Boia dè hanno incominciato proprio oggi, che dovevo fare il pieno di corrente alla politoys

  8. I wish our planners were as careful as yours VP, I think your new square will be lovely and in keeping with the style of surrounding architecture.. can't wait to see when it's fini.

  9. I have to laugh...your city seems as screwed up as ours is! We cut down absolutely gorgeous old trees on a beautiful country lane to make the road larger which means more cars and pollution and ugliness.

    I like the idea of this plaza - the speeding bicycles not so much. (Probably better than speeding cars, though. And you ought to see the crazy, speeding golf carts in The Villages!)

  10. Sounds great especially with the speeding bikes!

  11. We will have to see what the final product looks like!

  12. It will be nice in front of that beautiful building!

  13. I, too, am looking forward to images of the finished project. :)

  14. The planning was wrong? Oi. I'm glad they realized that in time.
    Good luck.

  15. I'm sure it'll be really nice once it's finished. Speeding bicycles can't be worse than elsewhere...

  16. I like the building (Town Hall) and I hope it is going to look nice when they finished. Probably smart to do it now, before it gets too hot and too many tourists are coming to Livorno.

  17. A new pedestrian zone is good !
