Sunday, May 24, 2015

Castiglione della Pescaia

We are still in Tuscany, in the province of Grosseto, slightly more than 100 km south of Livorno. Castiglione della Pescaia is a small but very old sea town and its only link with our city is that in the 19th century it was called for a while la piccola Livorno (the Little Livorno).
Castiglione della Pescaia
Now it is very well known for the beauty of its beaches: from just below the old town castle up to Punta Ala, a few km up north and still part of Castiglione's municipality. On a more personal level, it seems that my family comes from here...
Lighthouse at the entrance of the marina, Castiglione della Pescaia
Monument to the fallen seamen, by Lorenzo dal Torrione, Castiglione della Pescaia
One of the two “lighthouses” at the entrance of the marina. Not far, the monument to the fallen seamen.

External links: Castiglione della Pescaia - Punta Ala (Wikipedia)


  1. It appears to be a beautiful place! And how interesting that your family comes from there. The lighthouse is very nice, too, but I'm really fond of that poignant monument to fallen seamen.

  2. Very lovely beach on a very lovely day.

  3. Looks like a wonderful city.

  4. What an enticing view you've photographed. Your text made it even more enticing. Thanks!

  5. 'Little Liverno' looks lovely VP, happy days!

  6. Any town with such nice sandy beaches is a good town to be from.

  7. Looks like a beautiful place VP.

  8. There is a wonder tribute in stone to honor lost fishermen in Gloucester, MA. Deserted beaches are great places for cameras.

  9. When I return to your coast, someday, I'd like to go there... It's lovely!

  10. Beautiful shots. The monument has great power to it.

  11. Looks like a perfect place to enjoy and relax.

  12. I's like to visit little Livorno one day and check out the beaches.

  13. Looks like a very beautiful place, VP !
    I like also the lighthouse and the sculpture.
