Monday, April 6, 2015

Weeds 2

Scali Cialdini, Livorno
More than a year has passed since my last photos of this place, but the weeds on the steps of Scali Cialdini still lie there untouched, enriched by abundant trash.
Scali Cialdini, Livorno
We are less than fifty meters from our most famous monument, the Four Moors, and Via Grande: so this is a quite welcoming sight for the first tourists of the new season... and maybe it will still be for the last ones.

See also: Weeds - Canale dei Francesi - Scali Cialdini - Four Moors
Search labels: decay


  1. Pity, especially as it obstructs the view of that beautiful brick work.

  2. I think all of our cities have spots like this.

  3. If they can't spare the manpower to chop them down, are they allowed to use Round-Up type weed killers?

  4. Yes these untidy spots are a common sight everywhere VP. When you think how much unnecessary expenditure there is in big cities and they can't organise a bit of a 'tidy-up'.

  5. We're weeks away from weeds. I can wait for those.

  6. This is so sad. Is this due to austerity measures taken by the city powers that be?
    Around here, our politicos can usually find money for what pet project they want or their benefactors want but there isn't a dime for projects that don't benefit the wealthy.

  7. If only there wasn't the rubbish as well...

  8. Seems like the owner would want to clean up the area. This looks ripe for vandalism.
