Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Starling Guano

Corner of Scali Novi Lena and Via delle Vele, Livorno
I wasn't too sure about the color of this building on the corner of Scali Novi Lena and Via delle Vele, so I asked one of my Stefano friends, who is a graphic designer. He said “dark mustard”, which is a real color, or “starling guano”, which isn't. In my deep ignorance I wondered about the colorful dietary habits of the starlings, but I knew that even stranger color names existed, like “jonquil” or “stil de grain”. At last, I realized that Stefano was joking, but I think that the fake color is perfect for this title.

External links: Yellow (Wikipedia)
Search labels: corner


  1. It's not that bad. Actually, the grey bothers me more than then the mustard/guano color. :-)

  2. It's certainly vivid. Not a building you would forget.

  3. Lucky for you that he didn't make up a color called pigeon poop. :)

  4. Dina - I wouldn't have 'bought' that...

  5. I am taking it you don't care for this color. ;-)

  6. It would seem to me that there are other colors which might have been used to paint this building which would have been much easier on the eyes... :)

  7. Love Dina's comment and your answer VP.. Perfect title for post :)

  8. Wonderful! I'm familiared with those yellows. :-)

  9. The same- or close enough- colour is on a house here. Last summer they painted the trim a colour that offset the yellow and made for a more pleasing effect.

  10. It might look better on a sunny day. On a dreary day it looks depressing, at least to me.

  11. It certainly stands out from the rest.

  12. I quite like this dark mustard colour. We don't see it a lot here.

  13. Lol. I actually like this vivid yellowy colour!

  14. Hmmm, a strange color for a building...
