Monday, April 13, 2015

Vivicittà 2015

Vivicittà 2015, Via Ricasoli, Livorno
I didn't know much about “Vivicittà”, but yesterday I saw a lot of runners in Via Ricasoli.
Vivicittà 2015, Via Ricasoli, Livorno
Vivicittà 2015, Via Ricasoli, Livorno
This event is a spring half marathon that takes place in several Italian and also European cities. I tried to catch the runners again in another part of Livorno, but they obviously outrunned me.
Andrea Gesi, Meini Federico, Vivicittà 2015, Livorno
The winner was Andrea Gesi (race tag 53) and the second was Federico Meini (race tag 1).

External links: Half marathon (Wikipedia)


  1. Over here the winners are almost always Kenyans.

  2. Those maratons are so much fun to watch. Such strong athletes!

  3. I am so amazed by people who do long-distance running. Nice action shots.

  4. Exciting pictures. Good for you for running after the runners to get all these photos.

  5. They sure are fit. Nice to get the winner of the race as well.

  6. oh 53 pulled it out in the end! great shots of the event!

  7. Nice action shots, VP !
    How many km did you run to take them?

  8. Spring certainly brings out the runners. It ALL begins again.

  9. Love the last shot with the old guys on bikes in the background!

  10. Nice shots, VP! When we lived in South Florida, Lois Anne ran in over 50 races, including 2 marathons. I think she still holds the state's record for the 5K for her age group.

    I would always go to the races and take photos - we have albums full. Unfortunately, my legs do not allow me to run!

  11. So now you know what you need to do for next year. Outrun them! The winner noticed you... Excellent shots!

  12. Congratulations to the winners.

  13. They appear to be in excellent shape! I admire people who run but I'd rather take photos. :))

  14. You captured the energy so well VP.. before they outran you :)
