Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Trashed Bins

Crushed trash bin, Scali Saffi, Livorno
Half-destroyed trash bin, Scali D'Azeglio, Livorno
People keep talking much about tourism, but the funny state of our trash bins says a lot about our city...


  1. The one on the left certainly needs a lot of help. But the one on the right is no winner, either. Trash is a real problem everywhere. Lois and I stopped at a red light this afternoon and noted all kinds of trash in the grass at the intersection. Ugh!

  2. Your city sounds wonderful to me. Sad to see the state of things, sometimes.

  3. That is funny. The trash bin is trash.

  4. Just popping over from The Sunday Drive, nice to meet you. I suppose we can always be grateful to find a rubbish bin at all these days as often they are removed as a security threat! Obviously happily not an issue with you but not sure I could even squeeze in a banana skin in that red one! :)

  5. Sad, but if the council find the money, they might sort it out next month.

  6. It's pretty sad when a city doesn't even have the money to keep up with the public bins. At least the one of the right looks like it will actually hold trash!

  7. Good one andy, we have the same situation in Haninge I'm afraid.

  8. It takes work, I would think, to get a metal trash can in that sort of condition. :-)

  9. doesn't look like you can get much into that one...

  10. Well... at least they haven't been set on fire by cigarettes.

  11. Excellent illustration of the word "battered", the one to the left, that is. I am wondering where the Italian genius for design was when the right one was created. Gagged and bound in a trash bag? ;-)

    The city of Vienna is very good in installing clean trash containers. They have a penchant for putting them in front of beautiful gates, monuments, and the like. That makes me wish I were a painter. ;-)

  12. After your post they will be replaced soon...

  13. I wish ordinary citizens realized the bad impression their city makes when things are not properly taken care of!

  14. It seems to be the same in many places.

  15. Yeah, there must be a better way.
