Monday, April 20, 2015

San Simone

Church of San Simone, Piazza San Simone, Ardenza, Livorno
In the first years of the 19th century Ardenza was a quickly-developing neighborhood of Livorno and was in need of a church. The construction began in 1837 thanks to a Simone Bini, who offered a plot of land, building materials and a considerable sum of money.
Church of San Simone, Piazza San Simone, Ardenza, Livorno
Church of San Simone, Piazza San Simone, Ardenza, Livorno
The new church, inaugurated in 1839, was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and also to Saint Simon, in honor of the first and most important of several donors. The bell tower was erected a few years later.
(Foto scattate lo scorso gennaio)


  1. A beautiful church and that first shot is just perfect.

  2. A nice story of the church; it got a fitting name.
    You know, we also have a San Simone church and monastery in west Jerusalem. It was the scene of a battle in 1948. Now the whole neighborhood is still known as San Simone or Katamon (from the Greek words meaning under the monastery).

  3. So much style in these images.
    I love the architecture and colours.

  4. I think blues and tans are very attractive together. I'm another one who like the simplicity of the architecture.

  5. The colors are fantastic in both of these photos! What a sky! Love that bell tower, too.

    Did I ever tell you the story about the bum who stopped at a church looking for work. He begged the priest, said he'd do anything.

    "Well, said the priest, we do need someone in the bell tower. Could you do that?"

    The bum wasn't sure, but said, "Oh, yes, thank you so much," and headed up to the tower.

    Soon he was bored. He didn't have to ring the bell for several hours. But he wasn't very smart and decided to test it. He pulled the rope, the bell swung back and then followed through the hit him in the face and knocked him out of the tower down to the ground.

    Soon a group of people had gathered to look at his body. The priest ran out to see what happened.

    One woman said, "Father, this is so sad. Do you know this poor man?

    The priest looked him over carefully and finally said, "No, I don't think so, but his face sure rings a bell!"

  6. The simplicity of the place does appeal to me.

  7. Lovely detailed first shot VP.. I agree with EG, the blue sky shows the church to perfection!

  8. I love the way you have created the three images with the same colours.

  9. I too love that first shot! Lovely colours in them all!
