Sunday, March 22, 2015

Walk... on Water

There was a time when, mostly on Monday, I posted four or five photos following an itinerary, a story or a pretext. It ended because I exhausted almost every possible route and there was not much to photograph anymore. The last one was in June of the past year, but something changed yesterday...
Maurizio Barzacchi, Fosso Reale, Livorno
It doesn't happen every day that a friend comes to pick you up with a boat just by your home: here comes Maurizio in the Fosso Reale on his boat.
Under San Benedetto bridge, Fosso Reale, Livorno
A few tens of meters past my personal landing, we were already passing under the San Benedetto Bridge.
Under Piazza della Repubblica, Fosso Reale, Livorno
For the first time I was able to cross the whole lenght of Piazza della Repubblica without worrying about speeding cars and scooters. The police boat in the basin of the Fortezza Nuova wasn't waiting for us.
La Bodeguita seen from the canal, Livorno
Our friend cieldequimper will probably recognize this place...
Fortezza Vecchia and the new bridge, Livorno
Soon we were passing the new bridge, here with the Fortezza Vecchia in background, and ready to enter the port. But that is another story...

See also: Maurizio - San Benedetto Bridge - Piazza della Repubblica - Fortezza Nuova - La Bodeguita - The New Bridge - Fortezza Vecchia - Cantina of Maurizio and Luciano
More Walks


  1. That second shot has a great perspective.

  2. That would be fun. I love that second photograph.

  3. Enjoyed this boat trip very much VP, super shots, j'adore the second image, what a fab water colour painting it would make.

  4. Lovely photos, I really love the reflections, expecially the second photo is amazig.

  5. Great post VP. I have always thought that having a friend with a boat is better than owning one. :-)

  6. I like the second photo, good framing, VP !

  7. Wow, lucky you, VP!
    Is that really a traffic light for going through the new bridge?

  8. Quite a different way to look at your area. I really like that second shot.

  9. The 2nd shot is stunning! A great trip!

  10. Yes of course I do!!! :-) Next time I want a personal boat ride! Ciao Maurizio! (Looks like I already said that on the previous post!)

  11. I love these images! Those with the brick framing are my favourites.
    You are lucky to have a good friend with a boat.
    Thanks to both of you, for showing us your city in a different way.

  12. Fantastic photos! I especially like the second one. Perfect arch and gorgeous reflection!

  13. Le foto coi riflessi a mo' di grotta son davvero spettacolari! Ciao, Arianna

  14. He is definitely the kind of friend to have. Nice trip and fine photos.
