Saturday, March 28, 2015

Toxic Cloud

Toxic cloud, via Gherardi Del Testa, Livorno
We already had a fire a couple of years ago, this time it was a toxic cloud of sorts which chased us away from our apartment last Sunday night. Firefighters searched the building and then the neighborhood until midnight, while an ambulance was ready for the worst. Eventually, we all went to sleep in our beds and nobody was seriously hurt.

See also: Theme Day: My Street


  1. Well, thank goodness there was no damage or serious injury.

  2. Oi veh, that is scary! Did they ever decide what it was, or find the source? It must be awful to have to evacuate your own home late at night.

  3. That wasn't good VP, thank goodness the outcome was not worse.. it must have been a huge relief to be allowed back into your apartments.

  4. Glad everyone was okay! Nobody needs that kind of excitement!!

  5. Oh no. These things happen unfortunately. Glad all ended well.

  6. Yes, agree. Scary at night especially.

  7. That would make for a very restless, scary night! I like the photo, though!
