Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Decay at San Marco

Degrado a Porta San Marco, Livorno
People keep talking about promotion of tourism as part of local economic development, but a look at the sorry state of Porta San Marco (Saint Mark Gate) and of many other historical landmarks is not encouraging.

See also: San Marco - Enrico Bartelloni - New English Cemetery - Lion of Saint Mark - Porta San Marco
Search labels: decay


  1. Too bad. It could be very nice with a little work.

  2. It is always sad to see this kind of things VP when it could be so beautiful.

  3. Oi, there must be a better way of getting these things done.

  4. Not encouraging indeed ! They don't know what they are losing...

  5. Don't think tourists mind seeing old walls and gates even if they are in poor condition. They go to see the Great Wall of China and most of that is a ruin. Interesting photo.

  6. It's not even so much the decaying buildings VP, it's the tagging that makes things look so much worse. I can't understand why people feel the need to do this.

  7. I agree with Grace that the tagging is the most discouraging part.

  8. Hopefully, in time... On the other hand, decay has its photographic advantages...

  9. tourism always show the pretty sites, not the reality

  10. tourism always show the pretty sites, not the reality

  11. I can understand why the taggers did what they did. If the place was in better shape they would probably not tag it.
