Monday, March 2, 2015

Belforte, via Roma

Belforte bookstore, Via Roma, Livorno
A few weeks ago we read on its shutters that the Belforte Bookstore had moved to a new location in Via Roma. We have just visited the new shop, which is simply lovely: small, but creatively furnished and decorated.
Belforte bookstore, Via Roma, Livorno
Belforte bookstore, Via Roma, Livorno
Considered that it opened early last month the bookstore is understandably understocked, but all the important stuff is already on the shelves. Anyway, looking around you will not surely get bored.
Belforte bookstore, Via Roma, Livorno
There is also a small stage, a piano is coming soon, and the place also hosts local cultural events almost daily. We will see something more in a few days.

See also: Belforte Bookstore - Pedestrian Zone - Belforte


  1. I would love to browse those shelves.

  2. Looks like my kind of store!

  3. Beautifully done. I'd love to spend some hours inside.
    The only sad touch is the picture of the prisoner.

  4. What a lovely place!
    I love bookshops, and I sometimes work in one. This is a place I would love to take a good look and those BIG books ..........might have something really lovely art or pictures.

    I like the idea of independent bookshops, where they have guests and artists coming.

    Enjoy the place!

  5. A little bit of everything it looks like. I'd go through the door.

  6. I would definitely not get bored VP, it has the beginnings of a wonderful space.

  7. Brilliant. I hope you'll be there often!

  8. Looks like place where I could spend a lot of time, but I have to admit to buying all of my books online these days.

  9. I like the cozy feel of this shop. It makes me want to curl up in an easy chair with a book.

  10. Bel posto, un po' anni 50! Ciao, Arianna
