Saturday, March 7, 2015

Apuan Alps

North-east view from Montenero, Livorno
This is one of a few photos I shot from the panoramic terrace in Montenero, where we can see the northeast part of Livorno. About in the middle, from left to right, you can see the yellow cranes of the cargo port, the wooded area of Tombolo and, just above it, Marina di Pisa, at the mouth of the Arno river. Far away the imposing Apuan Alps.

See also: Montenero
External links: Apuan Alps (Wikipedia)


  1. This shot makes me want to go climbing, VP!

  2. I guess if you ever get tired of the flatness of the city you can just look up to the tall Alps.
    Thanks for the nice panorama, it helps understand the lay of the land.

  3. Looks amazing when you enlarge to see all the details VP. I miss mountains.. and snow :)

  4. That's a magnificent shot giving away the size of Livorno. Bravo!

  5. That would keep your eyes busy.

  6. Un panorama davvero spettacolare! Ciao, Arianna
