Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Road to the Terrazza

Path to the Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
There has been a lot of talk lately about a supposed touristic “vocation” of Livorno, but a quick tour of our lungomare is not encouraging in this sense.
Path to the Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
Walking toward our most renowned landmark, the Terrazza Mascagni, it is easy to find the usual mix of untidiness, decay and sloppiness that too often makes our public spaces so ugly.
Path to the Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
I keep wondering if I am alone in seeing these things...

See also: Terrazza Mascagni
Search labels: decay - Terrazza Mascagni


  1. We've got a fair share of potholes here in our area, too.

  2. Sad to see, but these types of things happen in most cities and even small towns.

  3. I might not notice them if I was there. But I do understand what you mean, especially when your city welcomes so many tourists from the cruise ships.

  4. These spots don't look too good but we've got really lousy parts of town, too. Most cities do. And those are the parts that the powers-that-be tend to ignore.

  5. I see it all over too, unsightly disrepair.

  6. Others may see it, but you seem to be the only one who cares. Maybe if more citizens were photographers/bloggers they would pay more attention.

    The row of potholes came out quite artistic, though .

  7. Le tre pozze nell'ultima foto sono persino quasi precise! Ciao, Arianna

  8. Someone have to do the work that is needed.
    Perhaps the budget for 2015 will help?
