Friday, December 19, 2014

A Tree, at Last

Christmas tree, piazza Grande, Livorno
We have a Christmas tree, at last! It was set up without using public funds, thanks to a pool of local entrepreneurs.
Christmas tree, piazza Grande, Livorno
In the past days someone had already placed there a smaller tree, decorated with plastic plates: each one of them bears the name of a problem still “on the plate” for Livorno.

See also: The Pisan Tree


  1. Would it surprise you if I said I like the second tree best? :-)

  2. I like them both but have more affection for the 2nd, less-imposing tree with the messages for the people and the politicians!

  3. I also like them both. The second one has much more to say...both literally and figuratively.

  4. Personally, I like the first one best. It is beautiful. Compliments to the business people who funded it.

    The second one is OK as a small protest, but it doesn't inspire any pride.

  5. I prefer the little one. The big one does have nice lights.

  6. It's a bit sad that business people have to step up and do what the city should have automatically done.

  7. A beautiful Christmas tree, you complained too soon... :-)
    I like your night shot, VP !

  8. what a beautiful tree, and great people to bring that together....hope those issues get solved on the little tree!

  9. The public has a mighty 'sword' when pushed into a corner.

  10. Well, you have one. But it is very sad that the city is going through all this problems.

  11. The smaller one is sad but the big one is beautiful and happy and joyful and oh I love it!

  12. Il primo รจ bello, il secondo la dice lunga! Ciao, Arianna

  13. I am so pleased LIVORNO got a beautiful Christmas tree!
    The first one is wonderful.
    The second one is a reminder of things to work for in the next year / the next budget.

    Happy weekend!

  14. I had a feeling something like this would happen. Nice photo of the tree.
