Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Two Melorias

Islets of Meloria, Livorno
The islets of the Meloria seen from our flight in route to Pisa. Not a great picture, but it shows the 18th century tower on the right and the relatively more recent lighthouse on the left.
Islets of Meloria, Livorno
On summer weekends many boats gather around the islets, which are easily visible from the coast. Here is a view from the Terrazza Mascagni, with in foreground a group of passing paddlers.

External link: Meloria (Wikipedia)
See also: Terrazza Mascagni - Meloria


  1. Fascinating scenes. Are there any humans manning the lighthouse?

  2. Ok, call me crazy, but can'r for the life of me understand paddle boarding. Canoe or Surf but not this.

  3. Brilliant to see them from above and in the distance.

  4. It is interesting to see the two islets from different perspectives.

  5. I like the first picture of these two islets !
    I'll take the tower :)
