Monday, October 20, 2014

The Flowers of Harborea

Harborea, Villa Mimbelli, Livorno
Livorno is a florally deprived city: walking her streets it is easier to see dog turds than flowers, and planters seem to be the only places that attract trash more than the pavements. Thus, at “Harborea”, also a rose gets our attention.
Purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea, Harborea, Villa Mimbelli, Livorno
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

See also: Harborea - The Animals of Harborea
External links: Echinacea purpurea (Wikipedia)


  1. Roses are, indeed, beautiful. But, for me, the coneflower's architecture is just astounding.

  2. These flowers are fine, though.

  3. Thank you for the Purple coneflower.
    I have taken so many pictures of this flower but I did not know its name.
    Not that I know the name of all other flowers though... :-)

  4. So pretty, especially since we are not used to seeing flowers on your blog. Sad that Livorno is "florally deprived."
    So that is the flower from which they get the Echinacea with the medicinal properties? aha

  5. They appear very good, gorgeous colours!

  6. I love colourful flowers.
    A couple of times I have bought GLADIOLER, and that is probably what I think of typical Italian. The other plant is PELAGONIER, also bigger in Italy.
    Anyway, todays posting is like medicine on a fairly grey and rainy day. Thanks for sharing.

  7. oh they are both beautiful and i love the colors!

  8. So so pretty. I wonder if the rose smells as good as it looks...

  9. Flowers are certainly prettier and smell better than dog poo.
