Sunday, September 14, 2014


PWC Yamaha FX High Output, Polizia di Stato, port of Livorno
A couple of PWCs of the Polizia di Stato (State Police) patrolling the coast and the port.
PWC Yamaha FX High Output, Polizia di Stato, port of Livorno
I am not a fan of scooters but I would really like to ride one of these...
(Pictures taken last August)
External links: Personal water craft - Polizia di Stato (Wikipedia)


  1. We've got lifeguards who use these together with a float to rescue people along beaches.

  2. Someone you wouldn't want to pick a fight with, of course.

    When I see these things, I always remember a photo op a former politician here did with one of them, something that backfired on him and made him look like a fool.

  3. You caught the wake and colors very well!

  4. Doesn't seem like very hard work, but I am sure it has it's moments.

  5. Cool! Do they have some jazzier name than Personal water craft?
