Monday, September 15, 2014

A Hippogriff

A hippogriff is a legendary animal that has the foreparts of a winged griffin and the body and hindquarters of a horse. His “inventor” was Ludovico Ariosto in his “Orlando furioso”. Within the poem, the hippogriff is extremely fast, can fly around the world and also to the moon: riding this creature the wandering knight Roger is able to free the beautiful Angelica.
Hippogriff on a gate, via Roma, Livorno
Our hippogriff is one of a pair decorating an old gate in Via Roma.

External links: Hippogriff - Orlando Furioso (Wikipedia)


  1. Funny how these imaginary creatures have come down into our cultures.

  2. The ancients had good imaginations, didn't they?

  3. I'd love to have a hippogriff on my gate.
    There is but ONE house in my town that has a mythological creature on their fence and I always slow my gait when I walk by to enjoy it anew.

  4. This hippogriff is adorable! Thanks for the information, I'm always learning interesting things with blog friends!So cool!

  5. Fascinating! I have never heard of this legendary creature before.
