Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cold Milling Machines

Cold milling machine, cold planer, piazza del Municipio, Livorno
A cold planer parked in Piazza del Municipio. A cold milling machine removes part of the existing asphalt from a road as part of the process of resurfacing it. Milling smooths the surface and the resulting material can be reused in the new asphalt hot mix. (Picture taken last April)
Cold milling machine, cold planer, viale Marconi, Livorno
Another cold planer ready for the epochal and long awaited resurfacing of Viale Marconi. (Picture taken last June)

External links: Pavement milling (Wikipedia)


  1. By extraordinary coincidence, the road next to my house is being milled and paved at night. NOISY!

  2. The equipment is a little different than what we see here, but some of that work is being done on a road near my place.

  3. By an even more extraordinary coincidence, my street is getting milled and paved this week, too. The equipment here is smaller.

  4. That's amazing. Have never seen one of these before. What an impressive machine! (Feeling a little left out that our street isn't being re-asphalted.)

  5. That second angle is especially impressive.
    Thanks for the terminology and explanation. I always wonder how to translate kirtsuf from Hebrew, every time I see and hear those machines eating up a road.

  6. I hate these monsters, but they do a good job!

  7. Sure they are around, but don't think I've ever seen these machines.

  8. Thanks for these photos and explanation. I find renovations and engineer-y stuff really interesting!

  9. I don't think I've seen these before.
