Monday, July 14, 2014

Two Archangels

St. Michael, the Archangel, by Giulio Guiggi, church of Santa Maria del Soccorso, piazza della Vittoria, Livorno
St. Michael, the Archangel, a statue by the sculptor Giulio Guiggi on a holy water font of Santa Maria del Soccorso.
St. Gabriel, the Archangel, by Vitaliano De Angelis, church of Santa Maria del Soccorso, piazza della Vittoria, Livorno
On the other font we can see St. Gabriel, the Archangel, in a sculpture by Vitaliano De Angelis.

See also: Santa Maria del Soccorso - A Cross within a Cross - The Nave - Three Altars


  1. How very unusual adornment for baptismal fonts.

  2. They're very different, but quite dramatic!

  3. The second one is very striking and different, I like it a lot.

  4. Scary for a kid screaming at the font, I bet.

  5. Birdman - You are right! My mistake, now corrected: these are not baptismal fonts, but holy water fonts at the entrance of the church...

  6. St. Michael is always popular for artists. :)

  7. They are so handsome.
    We could use the help of a few archangels over here.
