Sunday, July 13, 2014

Milan-Naples with One Euro

Gioacchino Magnani, The Red Box Video, #milanonapoliconuneuro
Gioacchino Magnani, from Viareggio, and Andrea Pagano, from Pisa, are two young videomakers who have begun a peculiar trip through Italy about two weeks ago. The idea is to travel from Milan to Naples with one euro, counting only on the generosity of the people they meet on the road. They are posting videos of their trip on The Red Box Video YouTube channel, with the later intention of making a documentary about their adventure. You can follow them with the hashtag #milanonapoliconuneuro.
We still do not know yet if they will pass through Livorno, but we wish them good luck anyway!


  1. A nice adventure that takes a lot of faith in your fellow man.
    Wishing them safety and good luck.

  2. There have been several people doing similar things here, I like it! Good luck!

  3. Cool idea! I am going to check it out.

  4. I have toyed with that idea myself. Would be gun to just leave and see how far you can go. Good luck to them.

  5. This looks like a good adventure for young people. Please update us with their progress.
