Sunday, July 20, 2014

Durand de la Penne

D 560 Luigi Durand de la Penne destroyer, port of Livorno
During summer, the cadets of the Naval Academy of Livorno usually take part in an annual training cruise on the “Amerigo Vespucci”, but the old sailing ship is undergoing extraordinary maintenance works at the La Spezia Navy Yard. The destroyer “Luigi Durand de la Penne” took the cadets on board last July 14th and is sailing to Barcelona, Lisbon, London, Brest and Casablanca, to be back in Livorno on September 20th.
Nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci A 5312, Vidhar 2012, Livorno
Our best wishes to our beloved “Amerigo Vespucci” for a quick and full recovery.

See also: Amerigo Vespucci
External links: Durand de la Penne-class destroyer (Wikipedia)
Search labels: Amerigo Vespucci


  1. Fantastic! This is the first time I've noticed the forward bridge.

  2. These are very nice VP. I love those school boats.

  3. Quite a contrast between the two ships.

  4. Amerigo Vespucci is certainly an elegant ship, isn't she?

  5. I'll bet they good cell signal on that first ship.

  6. It's too bad this summer's cadets missed their chance to sail on the Amerigo Vespucci. She is a sight to behold.

  7. Lunga vita alla Vespucci! Ne uscirà magnifica come sempre! Ciao, Arianna

  8. The "Amerigo Vespucci" is simply fantastic !

  9. The Vespucci is a beauty. I hope she will be back in better shape soon.
