Saturday, July 19, 2014

A New Shopping Center

Porta a Mare shopping center, Livorno
The new “Porta a Mare” shopping center opened last week. Shopkeepers of the nearby Borgo dei Cappuccini neighborhood are quite worried about the competition.

See also: Porta a Mare - Borgo Cappuccini - B Like Borgo


  1. I can see why they'd be worried. It looks nice and inviting.
    Preserving arches in a sleek modern way.

  2. Competition makes us stronger.

  3. Very interesting design. Hopefully the shops by Borgo dei Cappuccini will be okay and also have more customer from the people going to the shopping mall.

  4. The shops in the shopping center might have more reason to worry. In my experience, shops that face directly onto a street with foot traffic do better in the long run than shops hidden inside a place like that shopping center.

  5. Free parking and RAIN is good for the shopping centres over here.

    I love small independent shops, and wish that they will continue:)

    I like the style of the building.
