Friday, July 25, 2014

Clet in Florence #2

More variations on a no-entry sign by Clet Abraham, still on his home turf in Florence. By the way, this afternoon we will be back in Livorno.
Squeezing the bar on a no-entry sign, Clet Abraham, Florence
Via del Campidoglio, Via de' Brunelleschi

Painting the bar on a no-entry sign, Clet Abraham, Florence
Piazza del Mercato Centrale

See also: Clet Abraham - On the Trail of Clet - Via dell'Olmo - Clet's Studio - Clet in Florence
External links: Thirty smile an hour zone: Cheeky artist changes road signs with stickers... (Daily Mail)
- The language of the street signs by Clet Abraham (Abitare)
Search labels: Clet Abraham


  1. These are so good! Thank you VP.

  2. I always enjoy seeing these. Mr. Abraham certainly has a sense of humor!

  3. Interesting that he can has had so many good ideas on the one theme.

  4. Simpatiche, per ora ne ho vista una sola, ma poi torno a Firenze! Ciao, Arianna

  5. i like them but i wouldn't understand them and probably end up in some trouble lol

  6. Definitely not to enter here if you'll be compressed and overpainted!
    This Clet has so many good ideas...!

  7. Oi, they have the feeling of protest signs.

  8. I really like Clet Abraha's humor.
