Tuesday, July 1, 2014

City Council

Filippo Nogarin, mayor of Livorno
The first meeting of the new town council took place yesterday, with the oath of the new mayor, Filippo Nogarin. His party, the Five Stars Movement, has an absolute majority of 20 out of 32 seats.
First meeting of the new city council of Livorno
The PD (Democratic Party) has 7 seats, “Buongiorno Livorno” has 3 seats. “Città Diversa”, a civic list, and “Forza Italia”, the only party representing the right, have one seat each.
Stella Sorgente, deputy mayor of Livorno
Stella Sorgente, 32 years, was appointed deputy mayor. Her name in Italian means literally rising star.
Giovanna Cepparello, president of the city council of Livorno
Giovanna Cepparello, 46 years, one of the leaders of “Buongiorno Livorno”, was unanimously elected president of the assembly. She is the first female president of our city council.

See also: Five Stars Livorno? - A New Mayor


  1. Lots of fresh young blood. Good luck to them.
    Thanks for getting these fine photos that give us a good picture of your way of municipal government.

  2. He looks very different than on the shot that was stolen. I wonder if these pictures will be stolen too...

  3. Giovanna, congratulations !!

  4. Bah politics!
    Can ruin a beautiful summer for me.

  5. The portrait on top is fantastic! As Ciel said, I hope your newspaper "friends" will not steal this one.

  6. Great set of pictures VP. Very good at telling what is going on. Thank you.

  7. Let's hope this coalition can do good things for your city!

  8. Those are some fairly young (by American standards) politicians.

  9. I like seeing your portraits of the new civic leaders in Livorno. Good luck to them.
