Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Martian

Front page, Il manifesto, 10 June 2014, Filippo Nogarin mayor of Livorno
How did my photo of the new mayor end up on the front page of the June 10 “Il manifesto”? I am still trying to ask, but until now I have received no answer. (“Il marziano” is The Martian)

See also: A New Mayor
External links: Il manifesto (Wikipedia) - Front pages (Il manifesto)


  1. Well that's just rude of them to swipe your shot.

  2. Congratulations! I think. "il manifesto" owes you! Sue 'em!

  3. Well, I think someone has some 'splainin' to do. Seriously, you probably blinked a few times when you first saw it, without any photo credit certainly. Great shot, and I will be interested to know how this works out.


  4. Well that's not fair. They should at least give you credit.

  5. I'm amazed that they would dare. I sort of agree with Lowell...

  6. Pazzesco!
    Robe da veri "Professionisti"! Che schifo!

  7. Good to see your image like that. Not good they didn't have the courtesy of asking for permission. Let us know what you find out.

  8. A newspaper should know better than that. Stealing photos is not cool...

  9. When I asked you on Fb if this was a stolen photo, I definitely was not expecting your answer would be yes. You can only be very angry.

  10. I hope they pay you VERY WELL for using it without even asking you.
    The editor would have had to go to court if it had happened here! He or she is responsible for this!!
    You have all the rights, including the COPYRIGHT!

    And the picture is very good, so yes it is nice to see it on the front page! Just make sure you get more money than you think is possible! Good Luck!

  11. Proof positive. We have been invaded... in a good way.

  12. I hope you invest the time and effort to right this wrong, VP. There has to be an end to such blatant thievery.
    Shame on them.

  13. Stealing photos is never a good idea, I hope they will have to pay for that.
