Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Gull

Gull on the walls of the Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno
A gull on the walls of the Fortezza Vecchia. (You can enlarge the image up to 1600 x 1200 pixels)

Search labels: gull
See also: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. A gull looking much the same is sitting on my window sill. Love the four shots together.

  2. Love it! So good. I get the impression it is performing for you. ;)

  3. He seems to be posing for you!

  4. The gull on the upper right looks like he's part of a chorus.

  5. He looks like he means business.

  6. Might be its first time to pose for a photo shoot.

  7. Beautiful sequence, VP!
    At first he's looking to the left, then sings, then he looks at you with curiosity and at the end it seems that he says: now is enough!

  8. Karl - Exactly what I thought! The funny thing is that I was at least fifty meters away...

  9. Like some others who've commented, I thought at first he was trying to ignore you, but when he couldn't, he howled at the sky, and then looks to see if you're still there and when he sees you haven't moved, he sort of gives up...I think he's sighing in that last pic. Great sequence.

  10. This is a great series of shots! He is really giving you a stern look in that last picture.

  11. Hi VP. Re your comment on Ocala: Please feel free to use that bench picture and any other bench picture of mine. We were in The Villages today (Brownwood) and I got a bunch of interesting bench pictures which I'll be posting soon.

    Best wishes!

  12. Simpatica sequela di facce da...gabbiano! Ciao, Arianna

  13. Oh I love these VP, so much character here.. Just look at the quizzical look he's giving you in that last shot.. priceless :)

  14. I can nearly hear him:)
    Nicely done the way you created this posting.
