Monday, March 3, 2014

The Doors of the Synagogue

Synagogue, piazza Benamozegh, Livorno
Our synagogue has three entrances, every one marked with a Jewish symbol. The left one has a Menorah, we are going to see the other two with the help of our friend Dina, of Jerusalem Hills daily photo.
Synagogue, piazza Benamozegh, Livorno
Above the central door we can see the luchot habrit, the tablets of the covenant. On the right one are the letters alef, bet, gimel, dalet, heh. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet can also be also be numerals, so we have First Commandment, Second Commandment, and so on. It continues on the left tablet with the letters vav, zayin, chet, tet, yod: the Ten Commandments.
Synagogue, piazza Benamozegh, Livorno
The lettering around the star of David, from right to left, says Kadosh la Adonai, meaning “Holy unto God”. The final letter, heh, is a way of writing God's ineffable name without writing it.

External links: Menorah - Tablets of Stone (Wikipedia)
See also: Synagogue of Livorno - Moses Montefiore - Inside the Synagogue - Rejoicing of the Law - The Old Synagogue - Around the Tebah
Search labels: synagogue


  1. Wonderful structure! The light streaming in through those upper windows must be fabulous.

  2. It is striking and beautiful. Thanks Dina!

  3. Interesting construction. I like it. Looks (a little bit) like the building of the Panorama Racławicka in Wrocław!

  4. Such a distinctive structure and full of symbolism. I'm glad Livorno's Jews feel safe and free and proud enough to let their synagogue have all these signs of Judaism on the exterior.
    I was saddened to see some synagogues in Europe that were purposely low-key, with no identifying names, trying to blend in and not attract any unwanted attention. Well, I guess the armed guard at the door was a give-away.

    Long live Livorno!

  5. It is pretty, elegant and stylish.

    And no graffiti etc.

    I guess the one we have in Oslo have had more harm done to it.

    So let us hope for peace in the Middle East and that Synagogs as well as other religious buildings will be safe all over the world.

  6. Fio - I remember the Panorama in Wrocław: I have been there a long time ago!
    Dina - Anyway, a police car is often parked nearby...

  7. Surprising architecture! Love it.

  8. A police car? OK, that's good.

  9. Interesting, I didn't know you have a Synagogue in Livorno. Beautiful photo of this unique building.

  10. This is a really interesting building. I am still making up my mind, but I think I like it.
